10 Recommended Java Frameworks

10 Recommended Java Frameworks
When developing a system in Java, the choice of a framework is one of the essential points.

However, since there are many different types of Java frameworks, it is sometimes difficult to know which framework is best.

This article will introduce ten frameworks, from the most popular to the most noteworthy, in one place.

Ten Java Frameworks

A framework is a framework of functions, libraries, and configurations valid for system construction. Even a beginner can quickly create a correctly structured program. Let us introduce some Java frameworks.

Spring Framework

Framework Overview

Spring Framework, developed by Rod Johnson in 2003, is an open-source framework that features a method called Dependency Injection (DI) container, which allows environment-dependent functions to be provided externally.

Framework Features

Spring consists of seven modules, including the Core Module, which manages object association, generation, and registration. The Context Module provides access to JavaBeans. And the Web MVC Module, which offers development in the MVC model.

In addition, the Spring framework itself consists of numerous projects. Spring Boot, in particular, is favored by many engineers for its ability to build a web application development environment quickly.

Spring is a framework that can be applied to Web applications and various applications running on the Java platform.

In the current Java development, many systems employ Spring. It is easy to use, so there is no harm in learning it.

Play Framework

Framework Overview

Play Framework is a web application framework developed by Guillaume Bort that can be used with Java and Scala. This language is highly compatible with Java.

Features of the Framework

Play Framework is heavily influenced by the Ruby framework "Ruby on Rails" and the python framework "Django" characterized by its lightweight and high productivity. It is not compliant and allows a new approach to building applications without using Servlets or JSPs.

Also, since the amount of CPU resources and memory used during operation is small, building a system with a low hardware load is possible.

JSF (Java Server Faces)

Framework Overview

JSF is a Java-based web application framework developed in 2004. It is a standard Java framework adopted in the JavaEE specification.

Features of the Framework

Like Struts, this framework uses the MVC model.

However, the difference is that it is not an "action-based framework" where URLs determine actions (programs) as in Struts, but a "component-based framework" where processing is performed by server-side classes (backing beans) corresponding to the screen to be displayed. 

In addition, in many cases, the View (display) of the MVC model is implemented with JSP. In contrast, JSF is implemented with HTML in an XML format called "XHTML.

JSP cannot be displayed correctly without servlet processing. Still, XHTML is displayed in the browser, making it an easy framework for checking the design.

SAStruts (Super Agile Struts)

Framework Overview

SAStruts is a framework developed by the Seaser Project, a Japanese open source project based on Struts.

Features of the Framework

Configuration files tend to be complicated when developing with Struts. Still, SAStruts features an automatic configuration file generation function that significantly reduces the time required to configure configuration files.

In addition, rewriting a program often requires restarting the application server. Still, with SAStruts, the hot-deploy function allows execution without restarting the application server. It provides for speedy programming.


Framework Overview

Struts are probably the most famous framework in Java.

It is a web application framework developed by the Apache Software Foundation, with an initial version developed in 2000 and another version, Struts2, currently being released.

Features of the Framework

Struts is a framework that uses the MVC model, which stands for "Model View Controller," and is composed of a "Model" that manages the business logic, a "View" that displays the data, and a "Controller" that receives input from the user and issues commands to the Model and View. 

It means a method of application design pattern, which is composed of the concepts of

Struts is characterized by using unique custom tags, managing screen transitions with Action classes and struts-config.xml, and providing validator (input checking) functions.

Struts 2 has been improved by reducing the number of configuration files using annotations and allowing class dependencies to be set in external files using the DI container function.

The number of Struts systems has increased due to its long history as a framework. Still, the number of users migrating to other frameworks is growing due to discovering vulnerabilities, etc. 

Before building a system using Struts, be sure to understand the vulnerabilities.

Apache Wicket

Framework Overview

Apache Wicket, provided by the Apache Software Foundation, is a web application framework developed in 2005. Wicket means small gate or window.

Features of the Framework

Other frameworks tend to reduce the workload by writing application settings in configuration files, etc., to minimize the source code description as much as possible.

In many cases, creating an actual system requires Java and Servlet, JSP, configuration files, and many other configurations, which can be complicated.

Since only a web.xml configuration file is required, Apache Wicket is a recommended framework for those who want to develop with Java.


Framework Overview

Dropwizard is a relatively new framework created to provide web services for Yammer, an American social networking service.

Features of the Framework

Since the servlet container jetty is built-in, there is no need to prepare an application server such as tomcat. 

Also, while many web systems require multiple JAR files, compressed files of compiled Java, Dropwizard can run with only one JAR file.

Although it is a new framework and there are still few examples of its use in Asia, it is one of the frameworks attracting attention in recent years.


Framework Overview

ZK is an Ajax web application framework that incorporates Ajax for asynchronous communication between the browser and web server.

Features of the Framework

ZK is a framework that improves the development efficiency of the "presentation layer," which is the View part in the MVC model. 

It has a rich user interface, and Ajax manages events such as button clicks that occur on the screen.

Ninja web framework

Framework Overview

Ninja web framework is a full-stack web micro-framework introduced in 2012.

Features of the Framework

It can quickly create web applications and features a simple programming model.

Micro-frameworks are frameworks that may not be suitable for all types of development but are lightweight and quick to develop.

Ninja web framework is similarly capable of developing systems in short cycles.

Spark Framework

Framework Overview

Lastly, I introduce the Spark Framework, which, like Ninja, is a micro-framework and, according to GitHub statistics, is the most popular micro-frameworks.

Features of the Framework

Spark Framework is a framework for simple programming and rapid system development. 

It is structured so that it does not require extensive annotation descriptions or configuration files, significantly reducing the burden on developers.

Since only the minimum necessary functions are implemented, it is unsuitable for building large-scale Web systems. 

Still, it can be used for medium- to small-scale Web systems without any problems.

The "Apache Spark" distributed processing framework is another framework with the same name, "Spark," so be careful not to confuse it with other frameworks.


On this article, I have introduced ten different Java frameworks.

Any of the frameworks can be used for various systems. Still, the amount of work involved in coding content and configuration varies greatly depending on the framework.

When choosing a framework, consider the development schedule, the number of engineers available, and maintainability.

Java Book for Beginner

The most important selling points of Head First Java is its simplicity and super-effective real-life analogies that pertain to the Java programming concepts. 

It is also the best book to learn java and start your learning journey with Java Development. 

Head First Java covers almost all OOPS concepts and fascinatingly explains them. 

Despite several readers claiming it to be a dated book, as it covers nothing beyond Java 5.0, Head First Java is still found on the shelves of numerous Java veterans.

Thus, it is a must-have book for every Java pursuer and developer.