How to write blog posts with SEO in mind on Blogger

How to write blog posts with SEO in mind on Blogger
I would like to introduce you to writing posts with SEO in mind based on my experience in this post.

In particular, I will mainly tell you what to be aware of when you start writing a blog on "Blogger."However, it is unclear when Google will change its algorithm.

Please understand that these methods will make you stronger in SEO will continually change.

1. What is SEO?

What is SEO?SEO (Search Engine Optimization) = Search Engine Optimization.

In other words, when I talk about SEO, I am talking about taking various measures to get to the top of searches from Google and Bing.

100% of the posts that come up on the first page of a search for a specific keyword (especially a word that everyone cares about) have put a great deal of effort into them.

That's why they are at the top of the search results.

And if you don't get to the top of the search results (especially on the first page), you will rarely get clicked.

So, how can you do effective SEO?

2. The Basics of SEO on Blogger

Let's start with the basics of SEO using Blogger.

Use an SEO-optimized theme

Blogger comes with several initial themes, but they will all be less than SEO optimized if you use them as-is.

So, let's strengthen your SEO strategy at once by installing an easy theme to use.

For recommended templates, go to 「」 choose SEO friendly, and choose the one you like.

Use Headings Correctly

Headings are an essential part of Blogger (template), the main heading (h1 heading) is the title, and you usually start with the heading (h2 heading).

In Blogger (template), the "main heading" (h1 heading) is the "title," and the "headings" (h2 headings) are usually used first, followed by the headings (h2), subheadings (h3), and subheadings (h4).

You can then casually add the keywords of the post in each heading.

Of course, it is not necessary to include keywords.

Make the keywords clear

For example, in this post, I narrowed the keywords to 「Blogger, SEO, Blog」.

If you search for this with the keyword 「SEO」, you will be flooded with influential posts from influential sites.

In reality, it is safer to avoid targeting such 「 significant keywords」 from the start with a personal blog.

It will break your heart before you get to the top of the search results.

I've been frustrated many times.

In addition, aiming for high rankings in areas where there are a lot of high-priced projects such as real estate and FX, as well as genres related to the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law, is also an order of magnitude more complex.

You should aim for 「long tail keywords」 like "Blogger SEO Blog," which lists several keywords and writes about them if you are starting a blog.

This will significantly increase your chances of getting to the top of the search results and motivate people to read your posts.

Once your site has grown, you can try targeting more prominent keywords.

Narrow down your target audience

Think about your audience once you have decided on the keywords for the post you will write.

Think about what age group, how much knowledge they have, and what they are looking for in the post you are writing.

This is also called 「persona setting」, where you create an imaginary image of your reader.

It is also essential to know how strictly you can focus on this.

If you are aware of the audience, you are trying to reach, you can adjust the amount of information you need to write and make your content more communicative.

The title is the most important

Of course, the title is the most important and should be simple while including all the keywords.

Pay special attention to the first ten words or so of the title.

The second half can be overlooked, and most people don't look until the end.

Pack the first sentence with what you want to say the most!

By the way, the second half of a title longer than 30 characters is rarely read.

Overly long titles are counterproductive.

Set Meta Tags

Meta tags are used to tell search engines "what your site is about in a nutshell." To be precise, it is the meta description.

In Blogger, you can set it from 「Configuration => Meta Tags.」 If you select 「Enable search instructions to ON」, you can put the meta description under it.

This text should be about 50 characters long, but it is unlikely that readers will read it.

(It may be used to describe the top page of the search results.)

However, you can still convey essential elements about your blog to the search engines, so use straightforward and easy-to-understand sentences.

Meta tag settings for each post

Meta tag settings for each postIn Blogger are called 「Search Description」.

This is simply the description written under the title.

You can understand why this setting is so important.

This text, about 100 characters long, can make the difference between being clicked and not being clicked.

If you have a title that doesn't convey what you want it to say, plus a short sentence that invites interest, it will make the searcher think about reading it.

Set alt tags for images

Google loves information.

People can read the information on a website in both text and images.

Images are more appealing, and videos are even more impactful.

However, Google as a search engine cannot read images thoroughly.

That's why alt tags = 「alternate text」

By entering 「alternate text」 in such images, you can explain the idea to Google and benefit users who use text to speech.

You can set this up by selecting the image and gear mark.

By the way, you can also enter the title text, but the alternative text is more important.

Google values the reader more than anything else, so the writer should try to match it and make sure that the text is friendly to all readers with different backgrounds.

3. More specialized SEO strategies

From here on, I will be writing about more specialized SEO strategies for blog posts.

If you find any of this helpful, please try to incorporate it.

Focus on comprehensiveness, originality, and credibility

What is comprehensiveness?

In simple terms, comprehensiveness refers to whether or not you cover a wide range of essential information that users and readers need.

Some of this can already be narrowed down by setting the target users.

In other words, covering information does not mean explaining everything you want about your keywords.

It's about making sure that you cover the information you want the reader to have while omitting the knowledge that the reader may already have.

This also means that it is not enough to have many words.

It means that it is not enough to have many words, but it is also essential to understand the search's intent and cover enough information that the user wants to know.

What is originality?

Google does not value posts with only wholly original elements.

You need to make sure that your writing is comprehensive.

In this post, I did not omit the explanation about SEO at the beginning.

I also made a conscious effort to include all the information that I thought was necessary.

The important thing in SEO is writing a Post that covers the basic knowledge about the keywords but has original elements.

On the other hand, copying content will be instantly detected by Google's strict monitoring and will lower the reputation of the entire site.

It is also essential to be careful about mass-producing posts with very shallow content.

Text decoration is also essential.

Google also places importance on usability, or the ease of understanding for the viewer, so emphasizing critical points in the text is adequate.

However, it is not good to use too many decorations that make it difficult to understand the essential points, so add just the right balance.

If you want to compare something, you can add a table to make the post easier to read.

Comprehensiveness Originality Credibility-Importance High Very High HighIf you use Blogger, you will need some knowledge of HTML and CSS to insert enclosures and tables.

Still, you can copy and paste designs from various sites.

When you become comfortable writing with it, you can learn how to structure your blog.

Blogger is very flexible so that you can try out various things.

What is credibility?

Credibility refers to whether or not the information is reliable.

You can increase the credibility by clearly stating the source of information and citing it.

Citing official company websites or government-related information is an excellent way to increase credibility.

As an example, let me quote Google's position on affiliates.

"Google believes that websites just for affiliates or external affiliate sites do not provide added value to web users.

This is especially true for areas that participate in affiliate programs and distribute the program's content on affiliate networks.

(Adapted from Google Webmaster Quality Guidelines)"

It is where Google dislikes sites that are solely aimed at affiliates.

In terms of SEO, it is better to compare several products than to focus only on one development for affiliates.

For more information, please refer to the Webmaster Guidelines from which this post is taken.

You can learn a lot here.

Also, refer to the post about Google AdSense (Adsense) on Blogger about affiliate marketing.

Of course, SEO is also relevant to passing AdSense.

The Importance of Internal Links

This is where I start to talk about linking.

Linking within your site is one of the methods that will make your SEO stronger.

It is a way to connect related posts.

The term "SEO" applies to Google and users broadly.

In other words, measures to make people stay on your site as long as possible are also part of SEO.

For this reason, the more links you have on your site, the better.

You can make up for the parts of the site that cannot be handled in one post by creating a separate piece, or you can link to individual product introduction pages.

Of course, links entirely unrelated to the text are also counterproductive, so be careful.

Increasing the number of posts unnecessarily is counterproductive.

It is not very practical to increase the number of posts with thin content and link to them.

This is because Google doesn't value pieces that have a short-range, to begin with.

So, the first thing to do is to create a firm page by packing as much information as possible into a single post.

Use redirects to combine them into one.

If you have several short posts similar in content, you can use redirects to combine them into one.

The order is to combine two or three short posts into one most-read post.

You can make it a new piece, but rewriting the poste is recommended if you already have readers.

Then, set up a redirect, which you can do in Blogger by going to "Custom Redirects" in the "Settings" menu.

Add the post you want to delete in the "From" section, for example, /yyyy/mm/ In the From selection, write the permalink from the year and month section.

In the Destination section, write the main post to be redirected.

I have redirected quite a few posts, and it is easier to get to the top of the post that is well written than if it is short.

Mobile responsiveness and site display speed are also important.

Mobile support is a must.

Mobile support is now almost a must, along with SSL.

Google is moving forward with Mobile-First Indexing (MFI), which means that the index focused on PC sites will now concentrate on smartphone sites.

The result is that sites that are not mobile responsive will be ranked even lower in the future.

You can check if mobile-friendly is enabled in the mobile usability section in the search console.

Site speed is also essential.

Due to Google's update, the speed at which a page is displayed also affects the ranking position.

It is true that if a site makes you wait for many seconds before opening, it is natural to move on to another site.

Page speed doesn't have the same impact on SEO as the content, but faster is better.

To measure your current site's page speed, check the PAGESPEED INSIGHTS in the search console to see how fast it is on PC and mobile.

You can find areas for improvement in the section called "Key Web Metrics.

Write posts from the reader's perspective, not your own.

SEO is all about writing from the reader's point of view.

In other words, SEO is about making sure that your posts are easy to read, fast, informative, and trustworthy for readers, whether they are on a PC or a smartphone.

These efforts will also make your site less susceptible to ranking changes due to Google updates.

Google has been taking measures to disable various so-called backdoor SEO strategies.

So, in the end, a good site and posts for readers will be appreciated.

Are you answering the questions?

This is also equal to writing from the reader's point of view, but users often search for answers to their questions and problems.

Readers search for posts that accurately answer their questions and problems, and Google also evaluates such posts.

In particular, if an post provides a clear answer to a user's question, it may rank high in the search results without much regard to the number of characters.

Domain power also has something to do with it.

In addition to the quality of the post, the domain power (domain authority), or the power of the site as a whole, also affects the search result rankings of the posts you write.

If you do a random search for any keyword you can think of, you'll find that the top results are often corporate sites, not personal sites.

This means that corporate sites have more domain power, and it seems to be related to the duration of the site, the frequency of updates, the number of good posts, and the number of good links.

However, Google says that it does not officially use domain power (domain authority) as an indicator for ranking, so it should be viewed with the sense that there is some relationship.

In the end, the only way to improve your domain power is to keep writing good quality posts, just like any other SEO strategy.

Points to note

Blogger subdomains (domains ending in have relatively strong domain power to begin with.

However, since it is not your domain (a paid domain ending in, etc.), the power of your domain will not increase as the number of posts on your site increases.

Blogger also allows you to grow your site using your domain name gradually.

4. Learn from other sites and crowdsourcing services

When you are writing a blog, you realize that there is a lot you can learn from all the top-class posts.

How to make headlines, how to create images, how to compose sentences, and so on.

It's great to incorporate what I've learned from other sites, especially 「site structure techniques」 and 「presentation methods」.

"It is always a good idea to keep learning.

However, don't copy and paste the contents.

You can also use crowdsourcing services such as Cloudworks and Lancers to improve your writing skills.

5. Summary of SEO on Blogger

The phrase 「Continuity is Power」 applies to blogging as well.

It is true that in the first few months, no matter how many good posts you write, Google will barely even notice them.

However, if you continue to update your site without giving up, your domain power will surely improve, and your site as a whole will increase in search results.

And if you do the SEO measures I mentioned in the first half of this post, your site will be reflected in the search results.

In other words, you have been recognized by Google.

The following is a summary of SEO measures.

  1. Make your keywords clear.
  2. Include keywords in headings.
  3. Focus on the text and make it readable and decorative. 
  4. Be aware of comprehensiveness, uniqueness, and credibility.
  5. Focus on mobile responsiveness and display speed.
  6. Above all, create posts from the reader's perspective.

It would be a shame if blogging became less fun because you were too concerned with SEO.

Of course, if you are a thorough affiliate, you will need to write even if you don't want to.

But you write because you have something to say through your blog.

And you want as many people as possible to read it, so you do SEO.

It would be great if I could write posts in this order.

Thank you for reading to the end. I hope it will be of some help to you.

To learn more about blogger, check out the post below.